2025 Sports Season

Season 1: January 1 – April 30

Season 2: May 1 – August 29

Season 3: September 1 – December 31

Application Process

Completed applications must be submitted via email to cca@ebgca.net or delivered to the Community Center Office located downstairs at Thomas H. Gentry Community Center. Please call 808-685-0111 ext. 31 prior to dropping off. 

Thomas H. Gentry Community Park
91-1795 Keaunui Drive
Seasonal Permit Fee
Area B 
Area C (preferred for baseball)
Area D
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)

Hoalauna Park
91-1330 Keaunui Drive
Seasonal Permit Fee
Area A
Area B 
Area C (preferred for baseball)
Area D
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)

Westside Community Park
91-1025 Koana Street
Seasonal Permit Fee
Area A
Area B
Area C
Area D
$100 (1 day, weekdays only))
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)
$100 (1 day, weekdays only)

The following activities are not permitted, and applications will not be accepted:

-Team gatherings (End of Season Parties, Holiday Parties, etc.)
-Tackle football
-League scrimmages/games

Should it be determined by the State of Hawaii, City and County of Honolulu, or the Ewa by Gentry Community Association that the parks must be closed due to public safety concerns, coaches will be notified, and all permits will be temporarily suspended.

Ewa by Gentry Community Association reserves the right to amend the Rules and Protocols. Failure to comply shall result in the following progressive actions – 

  1. First Violation: Written Warning via email
  2. Second Violation: Second Written Warning via Email
  3. Third Violation: Revocation of Permit for Season

How Do I Get a Permit?

Application Requirements (to save a space)Additional Requirements (to receive a permit)
-Color copy of all Coaches’ Photo ID
-Request for Use Form
-Signed Terms and Agreements
-Permit Fee (Check)
-Official League Notice designating Coach
-League’s Official Team Roster
-All signed team participant waivers
-Attend safety meeting

Permit Rules

  1. Always carry your permit with you while using the park.
  2. Designee assumes responsibility for all participants to, include, but not limited to, players, coaches, parents, spectators, associates, and visitors.
  3. remain in your designated/assigned area during the days noted on the front page of this permit. It is important to note that the site is only accessible during posted park opening and closing hours.
  4. Any type of scrimmage or games are strictly prohibited.
  5. Random permit checks may be conducted by the Community Support Department or other EbGCA representatives.
  6. Should you encounter another team utilizing your area, please contact the Community Support Depatment (808-216-0302).
  7. Report any issues regarding the field or facility that may hinder your use (e.g. broken sprinkler) to the Community Center Office.
  8. Team related social gatherings are not allowed at the field before, during, or after scheduled use.
  9. The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages and drugs is strictly prohibited.
  10. Smoking, to include the use of battery powered portable electronic smoking devices is prohibited.
  11. Music and sounds exceeding reasonable levels appropriate to low-density residential environment is prohibited.
  12. The use of fire, to include but not limited to hibachi grills, propane grills, open flames, and fireworks, is prohibited within the park.
  13. The driving of vehicles, motorized scooters, or recreational vehicles on the site is prohibited.
  14. Clean up your designated area after your practice to include removing any rubbish from the park.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, we cannot hold spots for incomplete applications. It

No. The dates on the waivers signed in previous seasons do not coincide with the dates of the new season; therefore, those waivers are now void. Each child and parent must have updated waivers for the new season with the dates matching the season they are applying for.

An area may be changed on a Space-Available basis, as long as the request does not interfere with the Coach/Team that currently holds that area.

No. ALL waivers must be completed and turned in before any permit can be generated.

You can start practice as soon as you have completed all requirements and received a permit from an employee at the Community Center Office.  If you do not have a permit on hand, you will be asked to leave the premises.

Unfortunately, we do not prorate fees or permit lengths. The permit fee is a flat rate of $100 and you’ll have access to the field for 4 months.

Your fee will be processed once all Required Documents are submitted and we accept your application.

We accept personal checks, cashier’s checks, or money orders.